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FoundedbyMs.WengLing,aleadingcuratorofintegrativearts,IDEAShasitsheadquartersat1JadeRiver,atraditionalcourtyardhouseinBeijing’sHouhaineighborhood. other variety shows IDEAS)由资深综合艺术策划人翁菱女士创立,总部位于北京玉河一号。其核心理念是通过跨学科探索与实践激发全新创造力,从而释放人文环境的多元可能。艺文创新持续将艺术、设计、科学与不同创造领域的跨界协作融⼊社会、城市、乡镇与环境的发展;通过创新的自然及人文环境营建与提升,推动社会的良性变迁。
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interactive. the program will use themed stage performances, customized theme games and groupings to confront challenges at the core of the program, etc.
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